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Three ways to work in the food and beverage industry to prepare for future challenges
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Three ways to work in the food and beverage industry to prepare for future challenges
Post Time:2019-05-31Author:F2C

According to Accenture's Laura Gurski, to stand out in the food and beverage industry, you need to connect with consumers through sophisticated manufacturing and personal connections. The food and beverage industry continues to experience major changes. Grocery stores face serious commodity deflation, making revenue growth challenging.

Changing demographics and intergenerational influences have also created new food and flavor trends and a fast-paced “foodie” experience. While the pace of ruthless change is daunting, many of us know for sure that there will be more disruptions in the future and that we cannot choose to stagnate. Here are three ways to work in the food and beverage industry to prepare for future challenges: 

Precision manufacturing

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The transition from mass production to personalized products and services is an old story. But its impact is still reverberating among brands and consumers. And there are more changes. Now is the time to prepare for the "precision" manufacturing era. This not only means matching the beverage to the tastes, needs and even DNA of the consumer. 

Consumers will want to create beverages for them – whether it's a custom drink for their personal genes or a unique anatomy. The brand will soon be able to go further and customize products or interactions based on individual preferences. This is a new level of personalization.

 Companies need more than just supply chain and fulfillment challenges. The manufacturing industry itself needs to change dramatically. Look forward to seeing brands improve their ability to make post-product adjustments and bring manufacturing closer to consumers. 

It has already happened. See how the Intelligent Brewing Company invites consumers to enter flavor and carbonation levels and then enter it into the brewery's algorithm to generate new recipes optimized with real-time consumer feedback. 

2. Create a personal connection Consumers are attracted to people, not products. 

This is the universal truth of the hardening of the human mind. This is why influencer marketing is so effective. We all know that this is the face of the slow scroll in the feed. Brands will dig through the needs of this personal connection by clarifying a clear purpose - to express their traditions, ethics, fun, etc. 

To do this, the company can effectively “shape” the brand and give it a unique personality that consumers can really feel. Think about the fan community built around brands like Nutella and Marmite. Knowing the need for interpersonal relationships, companies can now have an incredible passion for brands in ways never before possible.

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