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The top 10 purple foods in here
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The top 10 purple foods in here
Post Time:2019-12-04Author:food2china-francie

Purple food is more worthy of our love than green food! Let's take a look at the top 10 purple foods.



01 Blueberry

Plump, juicy, and sweet, with vibrant colors ranging from deep purple-blue to blue-black and highlighted by a silvery sheen called a bloom, blueberries are one of the most nutrient-dense foods in the world. Natural medicine has long held that these round purple berries give long-life health benefits that far exceed their tiny size. The ORAC score of blue berries is an incredible 9,621, which makes it one of the highest antioxidant foods in the world. Just one cup of blueberries provides the nutrients including: resveratrol, gallic acid, lute in, zeaxan thin, and several kinds of vitamin. As the research indicates, gallic acid, one of the nutritional components of the blueberry, is a powerful antifungal/antiviral agent and is an extremely effective antioxidant. They protect our bodies from damage by free radicals, unstable molecules that can damage cellular structures and contribute to aging and disease like cancer.Due to the rich nutrient, blueberries also protect cholesterol in the blood from becoming damaged,lower blood pressure, help prevent heart disease,help maintain brain function and improve memory,help reduce muscle damage after strenuous exercise, and so on.To preserve their nutritional content, make every effort to eat blueberries in their fresh, natural form, such as fresh blueberries juice or blueberry pudding. You also could try the Rx Bar, made with blueberries, egg whites, figs, and almonds, each bar is health in a wrapper.



02 Acaiberry

If you have never heard of Acai berry, you are out unquestionably.Acai berry, grown in Brazil’s Amazon rain forest, is one of the most popular superfood in the world. Acai berry fruit comes from acai palm, which is a species present in the genus Euterpe and is usually cultivated for its palms and fruits. Its scientific name is Euterpe oleracea. The name acai palm is derived from the Brazilian Portuguese of the Tupian word wacai, which means the fruit that expels water or cries. Because of the high nutritional values, the demand of Acai berry has increased during the recent years. A powdered preparation of acai berry fruit contains about 533.9 calories. There are 52.2 g carbohydrates, 32.5 g fat, 8.1 g proteins and 44.2 g of dietary fiber. There is also some vitamin C in acai berries. It also contains 260 mg calcium, 4.4 mg iron and 1002 Uof vitamin A. Glutamic acid and aspartic acid are also present in it. Themajor fat content consists of palmitic acid, oelic acid and linolenic acid.Beta-sitosterol is also a main constituent of acai berries.This small, dark-purple berry packs a nutrient punch with a whole host  of antioxidants, amino acids and essential fatty acids. Dubbed by the Brazilians as the “Beauty Berry”, acai berry truly dose the body good from the inside out, with health benefits such as increased energy levels,stimulated healthy digestion, offered protection against heart disease& diabetes, boosted immune system, improved metabolic function and better hair and skin, even might help control your appetite & boost weight loss.Not only is this superfood incredibly good for health, but it’s also delicious, it kind of tastes like dark chocolate. One of the most popular ways to eat these berries is in an acai bowl, where puréed acai berries aregarnished with a variety of toppings, such as sliced bananas, strawberries and granola. If you do not want to pulp the berries by yourself, you also can choose pulped and flash-frozen berries, produced by Sambazon, oneof the most widely available brands. Sambazon provides other kind of food that uses acai berries as main ingredient, for instance, frozen sorbet,energy drink and fresh juices.



03 Purple sweetpotato

 Purple sweet potatoes are a type of potato popular in South Purple  sweet potatoes are a type of potato popular in South America, with their origins in Peru and Bolivia. Purple potatoes are very similar to the popular Russet potatoes in nutritional value. One-half cup of purple potatoes contains70 calories, 15 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, 2 grams of protein and no fat. One-half cup of Russet potatoes contains66 calories, 16 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, 1 gram of protein and no fat. The one significant difference between purple potatoes and Russet potatoes is the antioxidant content;purple potatoes contain 4 times as much antioxidants as Russet potatoes. Anthocyanin is a pigment that creates the purple color in the potatoes and also acts as an antioxidant.All potatoes are naturally high in potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure. But the extra antioxidants in purple potatoes make them even more effective than other potato varieties. As  tudy conducted by the USDA among overweight participants suffering from hypertension reported that consuming six to eight golf ball-sized purple potatoes twice daily for one month reduced blood pressure by an average of 4 percent. These antioxidants also strengthen your immune system and can help prevent certain heart diseases and cancers.Purple sweet potatoes are high-antioxidant foods that are eye catching since the skin and the flesh are both purple, making them a beautiful adornment to any plate. But it’s not just the color that’s appealing. Purple sweet potatoes offer a host of awesome benefits from working as a healthy food-coloring agent to helping regulate blood pressure to aiding athletic performance and more.



04 Fig

Common figs grow on the ficus tree (ficus carica), which is a member of the mulberry family. Figs contain many vitamins and minerals hat provide health benefits to a number of bodily systems.Figs provide a huge service to the human body with their antioxidant capabilities. Because oxidation affects almost all body systems, the damage it causes has been linked to many major diseases, aging and cancer — as high-antioxidant foods, figs help stave off these conditions.Because of the fig’s long history, it has been used to treat a wide range of common ailments for thousands of years. More than 40 illnesses connected to the digestive, endocrine, reproductive and respiratory systems have been treated with fig fruit, extracts and components of the fig tree.



05 Eggplant

Eggplant, a member of the night shade vegetable and Solanaceae  plant family, is considered by researchers to be a part of a group of valuable vegetables due to their anthocyanin antioxidant  compounds, which can be seen in eggplant’s rich purple colors.Eggplant is a vegetable with a lot to offer: a high amount of antioxidants, special phytonutrients including phenolic compounds,flavonoids such as nasunin, and numerous vitamins and minerals too. All of these eggplant nutrition benefits come at a low calorie count of only 35 calories per cup, thanks to eggplant’s high fiber and water content.



06 Purple cabbage

 purple cabbage, also known as red cabbage, is a cruciferous vegetable that’s delicious both raw and cooked. It’s often eaten raw in salads, steamed, braised or sauteed with other vegetables. It’s also referenced as red kraut or blue kraut and can provide the much needed benefits of probiotics in this form due to the fermentation process. In addition, the insoluble fiber from purple cabbage is known to prevent constipation, lower the risk of developing diverticular disease and may help relieve the symptoms of some gastrointestinal conditions, such as IBS symptoms.



07 Purple asparagus

 Purple asparagus was originally developed in Italy by farmers in the Albenga region. They propagated it from seeds from open pollinated female plants. It was first commercialized under the variety name Violettod'Albenga. Purple asparagus' colour comes from the high levels of anthocyanins in the spears. Anthocyanins are potentantioxidant flavonoids that have protective and preventative health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. It’s also great for skin, hair and nails, as it’s rich in vitamin B.



08 Purple cauliflower

Purple cauliflower displays vibrant violet hues on the out side florets, its color is naturally occurring,due to the presence of the antioxidant anthocyanin. Purple caul if  lower  is rich in vitamin C with a half cup of florets providing nearly half of ones daily requirement for vitamin C. It also provides a fair amount of fiber, vitamin A, folate, calcium and potassium as well as selenium, which works with Vitamin Cto boost the immune system. Cruciferous vegetables such as caul if lower are known for their high levels of cancer-fighting phytochemicals know as glucose inolates.



09 Purple corn

Purple corn is in shape and form very similar in appearanceto common corn, consisting of a long cob containing numerous edible kernels wrapped tightly in layers of husks. It is unique in that its husks showcase a lime green and dark purple color combination. Its kernels as well can be a combination of white and purple or completely purple depending on specific variety.Purple corn offers phytonutrients, phenolic acids, and flavonoids. It has been shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory properties and is studied for its ability to help prevent obesity. Deep blue, red, and purple hued produce gets it colors from water soluble pigments known asanthocyanins. These anthocyanins act as antioxidants  in the body with Purple corn offering one of the highest anthocyanin levels found in fruits and vegetables. Purple corn is most abundant in the anthocyanin C3G or cyanidin-3-glucoside which is the most common anthocyanin found in nature and is being studied for its superior antioxidant capacity.



10 Blackrice

 Despite being less popular than brown rice or wild rice, black rice,known as forbidden rice, is an ancient grain that has even more impressive health benefits than most other closely related rice varieties.Not only is it the type of rice that is richest in powerful disease-fighting antioxidants, but it also contains dietary fiber, anti-inflammatory properties, and has the ability to help stop the development of diabetes, cancer, heart disease and even weight gain.One serving of black or forbidden rice contains only around 160 calories, but offers a very high amount of flavanoid phytonutrients, a good source of important fiber, substantial mineral content including iron and copper, and even a good source of plant based protein. Just the outside hull of the grain has one of the highest levels of anthocyanin antioxidants of any food.

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